Linggo, Disyembre 29, 2013


Approximately 3 more days ‘til a new year actually begins., and as they say a new year = a new you, but then I wouldn’t want to jinx (yes I believe in jinxes) anything about the coming year…So I’d rather write something more personal. Since #2013TaughtMe’s been trending the past few days, I’d like to list down some of the biggest lessons and blessings I learned because of 2013. And yes for the first time, I’ll be speaking for myself…

2013’s been one of the most emotionally challenging years. Bridges were burned, feelings were hurt, and most of the time I caught myself being stunned and speechless with what’s happening around just cause I never expected nor saw most of the things coming. When I asked for surprises, I should have been more specific with saying “good” surprises, and there goes my first lesson:

LESSON #1 Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it…there’s nothing bad about wishing, because most of the time wishes are what motivates us to work hard, but then I learned to be explicit about my wishes. I learned to be specific, because more often than not, wishes do come true, but they may come in unexpected shapes and sizes, so might as well be specific. If you want someone.. wish for that person.. If you want something, wish for it. Don’t be vague about it cause you might end up getting something secondhand, but a little warning…wishes don’t always come true.

LESSON #2 It’s okay not to be okay… I ‘ve always been bad at expressing emotions. I’m good with coping with my feelings but I’ve never been good at showing people my emotions, just cause I’ve been so afraid of what people might think, but then this year, I took a step forward and learned that it’s okay not to be okay. I learned to stand up for some things, to cry when I’m sad, and to be cold when I’m mad. I’m not a robot, well I used to think I have my robotic tendencies but then I was proven wrong by my fragilities. No matter how strong of a person you are, there are those who can still make you feel weak, and the bonus side is that there’s actually nothing bad with it! Only proves that you are a mere human being, capable of getting hurt but also capable of standing up!

LESSON #3 Moving on is a state of mind and trust me it is J may it be from that haunting long test that you explicitly imagined that you already failed the moment you passed your paper, or from that person who’s been haunting your sleepless nights… it all starts in the mind.  It can be bad at some point, but it won’t be bad forever and it has to hurt at some point because better days would have not existed if it were not for the worst days. Moving on is also about saving yourself, it’s not about being selfish but it’s more of having the dignity to actually save you.

LESSON #4 No matter how hard you try, you cannot please everyone… just cause no matter how hard you try, there are still those who are cringing to see you fall, but then you don’t have to work extra hard for them to love you. I learned to accept the fact that I was not made to please everyone. I have my flaws and I still have them but then, others have flaws too, and take it or leave it…I don’t have to stoop down to others’ criticisms just cause I do not fit their idea of  “perfection”, I just have to be me and cross my fingers that someone out there, will understand me for me.

LESSON#5 We meet people for a reason, they’re either a blessing or a lesson…need I say more?

LESSONS #6 JUST ENJOY THE RIDE, it won’t be perfect, no one said it would be anyway. The ride’s going to be hella’ hard but that does not mean it would not be fun. I made mistakes, and I’m honest about that. Compared to all the other years, 2013 was a big “lesson learned”, but that does not mean that it was not fun to begin with. This year I learned to discover myself in a different perspective. I was pushed to my limits, moreover I was questioned for my beliefs, but then I guess without all those, then this year would have been boring. 2013 was DIFFERENT…too different at times. I saw myself go through a lot of sleepless nights, unexpected breakdowns, and endless confusions, but then at the end of it all, I saw myself grow. I am still the same old me.. but bigger, better and ready to face the coming year!

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